Few things fascinate gamers as much as mental powers - the ability to read (or control) minds, to move physical objects with just a thought, to foresee the future, to fight entire battles in one's mind. But while intriguing, psionic abilities can also prove difficult to handle in a gaming context, due to the potential for overwhelming power. Creating and playing a mentalist character can be a real challenge.
The Ultimate Mentalist is your guide to mental powers and characters who use them in the HERO System. It includes:
* a discussion of the various types of mentalist characters and how to create them using the HERO System rules
* a review of Mental Powers such as Ego Attack, Mind Control, and Telepathy, and of related powers like Telekinesis, with advanced and expanded rules for each
* a Mentalist Powers chapter with over 250 pre-built mental powers, abilities, and gadgets, most with options so you can easily customize them to suit the character you have in mind
* a genre-by-genre review of mentalists with sample characters for each type of campaign
* expanded rules for Mental Combat, including special Mental maneuvers and rules for at-the-speed-of-thought battles in the Mind Zone
* advice and guidance for GMs with mentalist characters in their campaigns, including how to define and create mental powers, keeping mentalists under control, and running all-psionics campaigns
Prepare to have your mind expanded by The Ultimate mentalist!
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Related Tags System Hero System Manufacturer Hero Games Reduced Items Sale Manufacturer's Code DOJHERO114 ISBN 1-58366-062-3
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